Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poll on Reviews

Hello dear readers,
On the right sidebar there is a poll. My hope is that many of you will vote on it and then we (the authors) will know what type of reviews you want to see more of. While I can't promise anything, I do hope to post more reviews of the winning category.
*EDITED TO ADD* The "other" category is defined by you. Some people have suggested TV shows and video games. If you do vote other, please leave a comment on this (or any) post saying what you mean by "other."
Thank you!
~ Maria Gianna


RealMom4Life said...

OK - I voted....for books for me! But I like more movie reviews to get ideas what to show my kids...

grandma jane said...

Ha,ha, I was thinking exactly the same thing: Book reviews as my general interest but movie reviews would be helpful for families with kids.

I liked the mix of options. I'm just not sure what 'other' might be? Perhaps a play or concert?

Anonymous said...

"Other" would probably be stuff like TV shows, or, like you said, plays or concerts. There probably wouldn't be a whole lot of those anyway, but it's always an option. :)

Lurai said...

*geeks out*

Lurai said...

I put down other, partially because TV shows (and, erhem well some video games do have great plots you could probably find a couple to look at through a Catholic lens, if you wanted to, though you might not want to, just a thought...) and the like would be cool, and partially because I honestly like most anything, from movies to yeah. Hopefully that makes sense. :D

Maria Gianna said...

Thank you all for voting!
Also, I will be adding something to the post about what "other" means. I am very sorry for the confusion.