Monday, December 23, 2013

Author Alcove: Audrey Assad

Hello all. Now that we're on break, we hope to have more posts, or at least regular ones.
This post is the first in a series of Catholic music artists. While we do hope to do a week in the future for each series, since we are approaching Christmas quickly we may not post every day. We will, however, complete seven full days of Catholic Music Artists Series posts. Each "day" will consist of an Author Alcove followed by an Album Review. This is an attempt not only to bring you good (enjoyable) Catholic music, but also to make these incredible artists known to a wider audience. We hope you find this series helpful during this blessed Christmas season and wish you a very blessed Christmas.

Audrey Assad is an amazing Catholic singer. Her music is poetic and reaches deep into the soul. With an angelic voice, she sings songs filled with metaphor, describing the beauty of God and over and over pointing to His hand in the world. Somehow, she manages to make every day life look beautiful and reveals God's hand in everything.
While most, if not all, her music is acceptable for small children, they may not understand the deeper meaning. Still, they will be lulled by her soothing voice and beautiful music.
You can find more on Audrey Assad here, at her website.

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